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Keynote Speaking

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Dr. Oliver speaks with candor, clarity, and hope drawing on more than forty years of pastoral and conference leadership and fifty years of walking with Christ. He has spoken on the subject of spiritual formation and renewal with pastors, Christian leaders, and students in the US, Canada, Tanzania, Honduras, Brazil, and the 

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 Philippines. Dr. Oliver is committed to lifelong learning. He approaches each speaking

 opportunity with energy, freshness, and a desire to receive as well as to impart wisdom.


Want to know more? Contact Dr. Oliver

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Sample List of Seminar/Lecture Topics

  1. Becoming Like Jesus—Experiencing Transforming Community and Spiritual Formation through Small Groups.  This five-session curriculum includes small group and experiential exercises fostering transformation at a heart level.  Topics: Becoming Like Jesus through Community; Drawing Closer; Our Authority in Christ; Common Needs and Ways to Cope; and Victory over the Tactics of the Enemy.

  2. Into the Deep: A Life Changing Journey—This curriculum is designed for retreats, online seminars, or a small group experience emphasizing the Inward Journey of Self-Discovery and the Upward Journey of Spiritual Formation.  The Inward Journey topics are: Where am I?  How am I behaving?  What am I feeling?  What am I believing?  What hurts me deeply?  The Upward Journey topics are: Created for joy Seasons of Formation, Spiritual types, Spiritual disciplines, Spiritual warfare, Celebration. 

  3. Rediscovering The Lost Art of Lament—Over seventy of the 150 Psalms are laments.  This talk examines the essential importance of lament in Scripture and life.  An experiential process is outlined for writing and processing a lament.

  4. Empowered Prayer—Weaves together wisdom from brain science together with spiritual formation practices leading to inner healing.

  5. Healing Deep Wounds—Explores diverse types of traumas and uses a healing process addressing traumatic wounds.

  6. Teach Us to Pray—Four prayer styles are introduced and practiced using the four functions of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator-Sensing, Intuition, Thinking and Feeling.  This seminar is minimally an entire morning and may be combined with other talks as part of an entire day.

  7. Healing from Lie Based Thinking and Negative Feelings—A biblical approach to identifying lies, connecting with God’s truth and realigning the right and left brain so that what is true becomes real.

  8. Importance of Clergy Soul Care—Designed to help church human resource personnel and lay leadership to understand what clergy face and how to support them in being authentic, healthy, and effective.

  9. Spiritual Warfare Principles and Practices—Addresses the reality of spiritual warfare from a biblical and practical perspective.  This talk can range from 2.5 hours to a day-long experience.  Extensive handouts are used.  Topics: Biblical References for Warfare; Preparation for Spiritual Warfare; Practical Steps for Personal Protection; Fighting the Good Fight; The Process and Prayer of Deliverance; and AfterCare.


Click here for a complete list of lecture and seminar topics.

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